Cocos2d-x之CCRenderTexture fix htc
18 Feb 2013一、CCRenderTexture.h
CCTexture2D *m_pTexture; + CCTexture2D *m_pTextureCopy; CCImage *m_pUITextureImage;
, m_pTexture(0) + , m_pTextureCopy(0) , m_pUITextureImage(NULL) bool bRet = false; + void *data = NULL; do unsigned int powW = ccNextPOT(w); unsigned int powH = ccNextPOT(h); + data = malloc((int)(powW * powH * 4)); CC_BREAK_IF(! data); m_pTexture->initWithData(data, (CCTexture2DPixelFormat)m_ePixelFormat, powW, powH, CCSizeMake((float)w, (float)h)); - free( data ); + if (CCConfiguration::sharedConfiguration()->checkForGLExtension("GL_QCOM")) + { + m_pTextureCopy = new CCTexture2D(); + CC_BREAK_IF(! m_pTextureCopy); + m_pTextureCopy->initWithData(data, (CCTexture2DPixelFormat)m_ePixelFormat, powW, powH, CCSizeMake((float)w, (float)h)); + } } while (0); + CC_SAFE_FREE(data); return bRet; glGetIntegerv(CC_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &m_nOldFBO); ccglBindFramebuffer(CC_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_uFBO);//Will direct drawing to the frame buffer created above + if (CCConfiguration::sharedConfiguration()->checkForGLExtension("GL_QCOM")) + { + // -- bind a temporary texture so we can clear the render buffer without losing our texture + ccglFramebufferTexture2D(CC_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, CC_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_pTextureCopy->getName(), 0); + //CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); + ccglFramebufferTexture2D(CC_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, CC_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_pTexture->getName(), 0); + }